Monday, March 9, 2009


In the last week I've been blasted from some punk bitches across the Internet. Most of them remained nameless, meaning they posted as fucking anonymous pussies, but one guy did tell me to clean up my act with a name. GM-Carson, who I've become a fan of during the 2008 season because he blogs Phillies shit, said "Mr. A-Hole, please refrain from making comments on our site that are profane, borderline racist, and just plain dickish. We appreciate your readership and look forward to future comments that are toned down a bit." I'll let this slide because he manned up and used an alias instead of punking out and going nameless.

One of the nameless cunt's comments on here:
"This is the worst fucking blog I've ever seen. Your writing is awful. Sophomoric humor is cool and all, but this is just cliched garbage. Seriously, do you realize how many fucking blogs have posts called "Fuck Monday", "Fuck Everything", etc ?

Your typical blog entry is completely worthless... A sentence or two, and a bunch of random pictures. Fuck that, this is so bad.

Not even in an "I'm angry, I am offended" way -- you're trying to be offensive but you're falling flat on your face.

In order to be offensive you have to put a little more thought into it than pictures of tits and saying "Fuck Mondays" -- what the fuck is politically incorrect about that?

The one bad thing about user generated content... 99% of it is complete ass. Have fun with your blog, and maybe try and be a little more creative."

Guess I'm just unappreciated.


  1. Dude, why'd you have to go a post something like that about me. Just chill out!

  2. My gripe isn't really with you. Did you even read the post?
