Sunday, February 22, 2009

Post #1: Welcome Mr. A-Hole's World

This blog will be dedicated to women, beer, sports, and making fun of everything, even if it's considered politically incorrect. This isn't a kid friendly blog, so put the little ones to bed before checking this site out. "Fuck" is my favorite word, I love tits, and making gay jokes is still funny to me despite being on the wrong side of 30. I will no longer attempt to hide the fact that I'm a CPA- Certified Prick Asshole. No reason to hide it, I'm fucking proud of it. I speak my mind, and sometimes I even offend myself.

Welcome to Mr. A-Hole's World. First post over, fuck it.


  1. I've always been partial to 'cunt' as an expletive (and as an entrée).

  2. Cunt is harsh, about as harsh of word their is. Cocksucker is pretty cruel too.
